Wyatt LOVED preschool this year and did SO well. They gave out a little "report card" at the end of the year which let us know that he had excelled in almost everything except "Cleaning Up", "Resolving Conflicts", "Transitions", and "Listening", which he HAD improved on, but still needed work. Ha! I agree with all of those, especially the listening part! ;) There were a TON of categories though and he definitely excelled academically (although what kind of academics are they really doing in a 3 year old preschool class? STILL...). Dude can read, so I fully expected that, but was so proud of how he was so attentive and really participated in group time. That is something totally new.
His last day was on May 25th (I'm a little late...), and they had a party at a sports complex. He just loved his teachers this year (so did we), as you can see. I took so many pictures of him with them because he could not stop hamming it up! He thought it was hilarious to squeeze his eyes shut so we would have to keep taking more pictures.

My sweet little funny man. I can't believe he only has one more year of preschool and then he will be in kindergarten. In some ways I can, in some ways it baffles me. Time. It flies.
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