Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Now OFFICIALLY Potty-Training...

We finally used the last diaper this morning. Our washer hasn't been working for months so we have been buying them on a regular basis. I am so over that, and our wallet is too. Eric and I made a joint decision to bite the bullet and not buy any more. Cold turkey, just like that. We have been giving Wyatt plenty of naked time today and he has had a couple accidents (all in his underwear, hence the naked time), but has done pretty well and even pooped on the potty.

I'm a little nervous about tonight. It will be a long and wet night I assume, but its about time. I feel like he is ready. He's been peeing on the potty whenever HE wants for the last six months, so he is more than capable, just needs a little incentive. Wish us luck...hopefully it will be a relatively quick and painless process for all involved! ;)


Nystral Djo said...

let me know how it goes!!!!

Amanda said...

It's been going great so far! Is Lily fully potty trained?

We seem to have the most trouble when out and about because he forgets to tell us, and/or doesn't want to go on a different potty. We were at dinner at friend's house the other night, and he held i for three hours until we got! ;)

We don't diaper him at ALL anymore, not even during naps and nighttime, after a few accidents he has stayed relatively dry in bed. :)

Unknown said...

I am so proud of him and you too - that is a brave move but sounds like he is ready for it. Will be praying it goes smoothly and quickly!